Saturday, May 14, 2011

corn fest!

hello friends!  I know it's been awhile since I last posted.  I guess I was discouraged because my pictures weren't coming out real good.  Well, I realized that I didn't always have to have a picture to go with my recipe.  I don't have any wonderful recipes for you tonight because my chicken hadn't thawed all the way by the time I wanted to use it and maybe you're like me and hate to use the microwave to defrost.  I always end up cooking it a little bit and then the chicken comes out rubbery.  YUCK!!!!  So, I put the chicken in a bag and put it in the fridge and will use it tomorrow.  Todd and I decided to do something we only do a couple times a year.  We had a corn fest!!!!  What's a corn fest you may ask?  Well, I put a big pot of water on to boil and throw in as much corn on the cob as will fit in the pot and that's all we eat for supper.  I know it's weird, but boy that corn tasted good and no one complained.  I will make the Cheddar Bacon BBQ Chicken Breast Sandwiches tomorrow night.  Sounds good doesn't it?  I can hardly wait!  Until then....good eating and many blessings!  Thanks for dishin with Di!

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